5. kooparoona niara Great Western Tiers

Highlight: wild World Heritage scenery and charming rural landscapes. Book now

kooparoona niara Great Western Tiers, Mole Creek valley

kooparoona niara Great Western Tiers, Mole Creek valley

In the morning, Westmorland Falls, Honeycomb wild cave Main Arch

Westmorland Falls

Westmorland Falls

Honeycomb Cave main arch

Honeycomb Cave main arch

Lunch at Mole Creek pub Tiger Bar

Mole Creek Hotel & Tiger Bar

Mole Creek Hotel & Tiger Bar

In the afternoon, Devils Gullet and Chudleigh Honey Farm icecream, or Liffey Falls (top falls).

Devils Gullet

Devils Gullet

Honey Farm, Chudleigh

Honey Farm, Chudleigh

Liffey Falls

Liffey Falls

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